Dave’s Great Adventure, Book Three
Chapter 2, Verse 3
April 6, 2008
Ode To Neupogen
And here we
Go again,
Getting shots
Of Neupogen.
Sticking needles
In my belly.
Who devised this,
I mean…really?
Using needles
Helps good white cells
Come my way.
Expensive drugs
Make me well
Just enough for
Chemo hell.
Makes me ache
This chemo stuff,
No piece of cake.
They build me up
Then beat me down
Feel so crappy
Can’t go to town.
But there’s a reason
For all this strife.
Maybe it’ll
Extend my life.
I got tired of writing prose and decided to try my hand at poetry. You know, on second thought, I’d better seriously reconsider this move.
The day after I sent my last message out I went back to the clinic to get another blood count done. I do this at least once weekly. I was pleased to hear that my counts had stabilized, though at low levels (I’ll spare you all the details of the various cell types this week; I suppose in many cases, when all these in-depth numbers start appearing on the page, many of you have your eyes roll back in your head and you start twitching and making gagging sounds…I don’t want to harm anyone). So, my counts hadn’t dropped any more in week three, in fact, they were very slightly up. But not enough to start more chemotherapy drugs next week, so I was started back on the Neupogen, which I gave myself by injection daily for four days to get my white cells back up.
Neupogen is sildenafil…oh wait, that’s wrong! Sildenafil gets something else up (it’s Viagra)! No, Neupogen is filgrastim, and is called “granulocyte colony stimulating factor” (G-CSF). The reason it’s called “granulocyte” colony stimulating factor, when what I need are neutrophils, is that “granulocyte” is another name for neutrophil. And if that’s, not enough, neutrophils are also called “segs” (for “segmented” white blood cells) and “bands” when they’re immature. Are those enough names for one kind of blood cell?
Anyway, and I think this is cool, they isolated the human gene that makes the body want to produce neutrophils (granulocytes) and somehow put it into e. coli bacteria (with a very tiny syringe?). Then they farm these guys out in Petri dishes and collect the G-CSF they make. I wonder how many e. coli they have to round up and herd into a Petri dish to make a dose of Neupogen. I suppose it’s a lot and would explain why Amgen charges almost $400 a dose for the stuff. But this stuff is magic. My white count was about 1,500 last Monday, but by Thursday morning and after just three of the doses of Neupogen, it was back up to almost 14,000 when I saw my doc for a pre-chemo checkup. Most of the white cells (just short of 12,000) were the bacteria fighting neutrophils. So I celebrated. How you ask? With big steak dinner and champagne, maybe?? No, I had a big fat Greek salad while my white count was high enough for that to be safe!
Giving myself the shots isn’t a big deal, though our friend Susanne, in Denver thought it was. She’s a nurse, and she said it was hard for her to imagine a doc giving anyone a shot, let alone to himself, and thought my actions qualified as a miracle! The Neupogen comes pre-packaged in small syringes with very small needles, 27 gauge, for those of you who are familiar with needle sizes. I inject the shots into my little (uh, maybe medium size and growing?) roll of fat on my belly, and hardly feel it. What I do feel, however, are the generally mild side effects. Usually I feel a little flu-like at first, but then I get bone pain. When the marrow gets into overdrive making new blood cells, the marrow-containing bones can feel the pressure and start to hurt. That usually includes the long bones, the ribs and the sternum. I feel the aches mostly in my ribs and sternum (breastbone) and they aren’t normally too bad. Most of the time I just take some Tylenol for the aches, but what bothers me the most is that at night, when I’m lying down, my chest hurts with each heartbeat, as the heart thumps up against the back side of the sternum. The pain isn’t all that bad, just kinda worrisome feeling that pain in the middle of your chest.
I’ve got another little problem sneaking up on me, too, one that you don’t normally associate with someone on chemotherapy. I’m getting fat! Many folks doing chemo lose weight, because of the side effects, but not me, not this time. In the past I have gained weight transiently with the steroids and fluids I have been given, but this time I’m getting almost no steroids, and far less in terms of fluid infusions with the drugs. I always watch my weight and normally weigh myself every day to make sure I’m doing okay, and usually I can keep my weight between about 176 and about 179 or so. I was at about my normal 178 when I started the chemotherapy. But as of this morning I was up to 184. It’s not the drugs, I’m pretty sure, it’s just that I’m eating too much.
You see, usually I can control my diet pretty well, and restrict myself when my weight is creeping up. But now I find that I have a voice inside that is always giving me excuses to eat a little more than I need. I think this voice is related to my Id, but is much more seductive, perhaps being my Id’s sexy little cousin or something. When my Id says I should eat more, it says, “Eat, dammit, eat!” But I can resist that voice easily and push away from the table and skip the piece of pie, or whatever. My Superego is usually in charge. But this voice I’m hearing now is much harder to ignore. If I see a piece of key lime pie, or pecan pie, or something I love (hot wings, smoked BBQ ribs, etc.), the voice, rather than demanding that I eat it, softly whispers to me, “You poor, poor thing, you have leukemia and you’re going through chemotherapy. Of COURSE you can have that pie. You can have whatEVER you want.” I, fool that I am, usually listen and eat up. I’ve got to find a way to block that voice or I’ll be at 200 pounds before I finish this regimen of chemotherapy. Who ever heard of gaining weight during chemotherapy?
Hey, I’ve had universal support for changing our Team In Training nickname from TNT to TIT…well, from at least a couple of folks. Anna, one of our walking coaches, says that she and Suzanne, another coach, have long thought that they’d get a fair amount of donations if they sponsored a TNT Mud Wrestling competition. She suggested that they’d probably attract more male participants or observers if they were in the TITs instead. Maybe that should be the Mud Wrestling CompeTITion! She’s probably right. You know, you have TNT versus TIT. Well, guys like to blow things up, and so TNT is attractive, I suppose. But, “BOOM” and it’s all over, nothing else to look at. But other things have more lasting, universal appeal to guys…. On a related topic, Meg, another team member, said I probably used the wrong people as examples of who might sign up for the wet T-shirt contests. She said she didn’t think Laura and Kelly together could fill out even one wet T-shirt, much less two (you know how runners are built, right?). Now, I never, ever would have suggested such a thing! I never even notice these kinds of issues. Really! No, I mean it…really (smirk)! But I suppose that even as I write these words, the folks up at corporate are redesigning our logos using concentric circles and conical shaped devices to draw attention to our new nurturing image.
On another TNT (TIT??) related note, you guys have no doubt noticed my frequent references to Lou and Joan, our long-time friends from Colorado who have, on a regular, pretty much daily basis, been sending me friendship and get well cards. Well, they also donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and recently received an invitation to join a TNT team in the Denver area. They’re likely going to join up soon and do a walking marathon in Denver next October. I want all my TNT teammates to give them a big cheer, okay?
Kelly (who hasn’t as of yet officially signed up for the wet T-shirt contest but assured me that she would) wrote to comment on Tom’s suggestion that I should perhaps get a massage because of all my body aches. She said, “Yes, maybe a massage would be good for you. Although, according to your account, having to shed clothing was a startling and horrifying experience for you. Sweet revenge for all of us ladies who have ever laid on atable in the doc's office as he says "scoot down a little more...." Maybe the massage wouldn't be so relaxing for you!” (See September 1, 2004 entry of my story). Well, you know, it really wasn’t especially relaxing, because I wasn’t absolutely, completely sure what was going on and didn’t expect to have to get totally nekkid in front of a stranger, in a motel room, fer cryin’ out loud! Why should I have to get nekkid when all that hurt was my neck and back! And I wasn’t entirely sure what Martina was up to. I half expected her to grab for Mr. Happy and was nervous just thinking about that possibility. If she had, I couldn’t very well scream and run out of the room and into the hallway completely undressed, could I? “Sweet revenge” indeed! Every woman who has heard this story, including many of my former patients, has been beside herself with laughter at how uncomfortable I was, including my wife and my daughter. That’s just pure schadenfreud and you all should be really, really ashamed of yourselves at having such a good time at my timidity (is that a word?). Actually, it’s just that I’m extremely shy. Yeah, that’s it.
I probably managed to irritate both the Coloradans and the Texans with my last little bit about climate intolerance (and the Montanans, too, I suppose). Regarding Texans’ general intolerance to cold, and the similar intolerance to heat by Coloradans, my brother Dan, who lives in nearby Grapevine, Texas, wrote in to suggest it’s basically just what you’ve become accustomed to, and that cold in the fall feels worse because you’re used to the heat. And heat in the spring feels correspondingly hotter because you’re used to the cold. But I just think that we have fundamentally changed the way we acclimate to the weather in recent decades. It used to be that, for millennia, we as a species adapted to the climate. But now we adapt the climate to us. We feel the need to have a bubble of air around us that is a constant 75 degrees, or whatever, whether we’re in our car, home, at the theater, office or just about anywhere. And we use prodigious amounts of natural resources to accomplish that goal. I think the Europeans are much more conservative in the use of heating and cooling than we are. Few homes, hospitals, stores or cars are air conditioned over there, and it does reach 100 degrees from time to time, with high humidity. In Europe you just deal with it! And in the winter, the heat doesn’t come on until some arbitrary date in late October, no matter what the temperatures outside are. People just put on sweaters and go about their business. No one is ever going to mistake me for a “greenie” or a tree-hugger, but I do believe in trying to minimize consumption of resources (but just when it suits me, I guess, since I don’t drive a Honda Fit or a Prius). In the winter, we have our thermostat at 70 degrees during the day with a set back to 55 degrees at night (and did so in Colorado, too). But then there’s my brother Doug in South Carolina. He keeps his thermostat at 60 degrees all winter long. But the really tough, conservation minded folks are our neighbors, Bonnie and Quinn. I don’t think they even turn on their furnace until the outside temperature is below freezing. Or unless they’re having company. I remember an e-mail I got from Bonnie last winter and she said the indoor temperature in their home was, I believe, 43 degrees! But now I’ll get off my conservation soap box.
This last week has been a pretty good one for Kathy and me. I’ve felt better and we have been able to get out some, though we still avoid crowds. The flu is still officially present, though I haven’t heard on even one person who actually has had it. But we’ve been able to get out to an occasional restaurant (where “the voice” always encourages me to ingest far too many calories). Generally we try to go out during the off hours when places aren’t very crowded. We’ve also made it to a few stores for just a little bit of shopping. But yesterday, we got out and made a short daytrip up to a nearby lake and had a great afternoon just being outside. We played a couple of card games and just enjoyed the beautiful spring weather with temperatures in the mid-60s. It was so nice to be outside, because we know that as of next week, starting tomorrow, we’ll be trapped in the house again for a couple of weeks.
And I think I’ve rambled on long enough for now. I’ll close this and get it in the mail. Thanks for all your “fan mail” that I’ve gotten. I always enjoy your feedback. Until next time….
Sunday, April 6, 2008
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